Monday, May 12, 2008


A dirty old man is a normal young man grown somewhat long in the tooth.

The vacuity of much of Philosophy of Science is manifest in its irrelevance to the practice of science.

A frustacean is a mateless lobster.

People who live in Klein bottles may throw stones.

Any academic discipline with science in its title is probably not.

The difference between a glitsch and a transient is that the latter does have an explanation.

Someone once characterized psychoanalysis as surgery without anesthesia. Quite appropriate. What should be noted is that the patient wields the scalpel.

The difference between a gizmo and a gizmoid is that latter has no moving parts.

Any problem can be solved promptly provided one can determine which variant of Murphy's Law is operating to frustrate a successful resolution.

The reason an old dog can't be taught new tricks is that he has acquired a dense, impervious crust of too many preconceptions.

An activist is a person who, for whatever reason, is incapable of controlling his own life, and thus devotes himself to controlling other people’s lives.

The process which begins with the conception of a human infant and terminates with its birth was not provided by the Lord with a warranty as to the workmanship of the final product.

Should a Jew forget who he is, someone will remind him.

1 comment:

LoopZilla said...

"People who live in Klein bottles may throw stones"?

I assert that they will get what is coming to them!